Effective August 15, the Sliding Scale Nominal has changed to $25. For more information, please refer to our FAQ.

Early Warning Signs of Alzheimer’s Disease

Early Warning Signs of Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s disease is the most common cause of dementia, with more than 500,000 Americans diagnosed each year and more than five million currently living with the disease. According to the CDC, the symptoms of Alzheimer’s most often appear after the age of 60 and...
Why Should You Care About Your Cholesterol?

Why Should You Care About Your Cholesterol?

Chances are you’ve heard about cholesterol before. It may have come up in a discussion about eating a balanced diet. Or living a healthy lifestyle. Or lowering your risk of heart disease, which is the number one killer of adults in the United States.  But what...
What’s the New Normal?

What’s the New Normal?

As shelter in-place orders are lifted across the country and people have returned to routines and activities, many wonder what the “new normal” will look like: now and post coronavirus.  At the forefront of those conversations is discussion around public health...
Summer Health Safety Tips

Summer Health Safety Tips

Summer is here!  That means gorgeous weather, plenty of sunshine, and outdoor activities with friends and family. However, this summer will look different than most as we continue to fight the coronavirus. As the temperatures rise and more people begin to resume...