Different Types of Headaches and What They Mean

Different Types of Headaches and What They Mean

You know when you have one, even if the pain varies from piercing or throbbing to just a dull ache. Most are brief, and easily treated with over-the-counter pain relief medication. But certain types of headaches may be a sign of a more serious health problem or...
What Is HIV and How Can You Help Prevent It?

What Is HIV and How Can You Help Prevent It?

Disease prevention is an important part of healthcare, but it is especially true when it comes to HIV, a sexually transmitted infection (STI) that can lead to serious health problems if left untreated. Here’s what you need to know about HIV and what you can do to...
Ways You Can Prevent Skin Cancer

Ways You Can Prevent Skin Cancer

May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month, but it brings our focus to a health topic that deserves attention every month. With more than five million cases diagnosed each year, skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the U.S. Fortunately, it’s also the most...
Key Things to Know About Autism

Key Things to Know About Autism

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD, or autism for short) is a developmental disorder that affects communication, socialization, and behavior. While children are born with autism, its signs may not become noticeable until later in their development. For example: when they...
The Difference Between Seasonal Allergies and COVID-19 Symptoms

The Difference Between Seasonal Allergies and COVID-19 Symptoms

The arrival of warm spring temperatures, budding flowers, and longer daylight hours are making it easier and more pleasant to spend time outside. But with enjoyment of the great outdoors comes pollen and other possible airborne irritants. So how do you know if your...
What Is a COVID Booster Shot and Why Is It Important?

What Is a COVID Booster Shot and Why Is It Important?

Research on the COVID-19 pandemic is continually being updated, making it crucial to stay current and safe. Since August 23, 2021, the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine has been fully FDA approved, while the Moderna and Johnson & Johnson vaccines remain approved under an...