Dec 7, 2018 | Uncategorized
You know the obvious: avoid sick people if you don’t want to get sick. But did you know that a person can be infectious a day before the sniffles start? If they don’t know they’re sick yet, how can you fight what you can’t see? That’s why the name of the...
Nov 19, 2018 | Uncategorized
It’s so easy to overdo it this time of year. Your co-workers are taking turns tempting you with sweet treats at the office. Then, when you get home, there’s an endless assortment of cookies, pies and baked goods available, thanks to well-meaning neighbors, family and...
Oct 17, 2018 | Uncategorized
Kids really love Halloween – the costumes, the candy and those crazy-scary movies. To help ensure their night is safe as well as fun, here are some tips from YourTown Health. Because it’s all about dressing up: ● Make sure they’re seen: Have your child carry a...
Sep 17, 2018 | Uncategorized
September 17, 2018 – Palmetto, GA YourTown Health is proud to announce that Elizabeth Zarantonello is joining the YTH staff as a family nurse practitioner at the Palmetto office. Ms. Zarantonello is from Bardstown, Kentucky. After graduating from the University of...
Sep 11, 2018 | Uncategorized
Did you know that only 20% to 30% of your skin’s appearance is due to genetics? That means the rest is up to you! Environmental factors and, more importantly, how you care for your skin play a large role in how it looks. There are three things that should be part of...