ATTENTION: Our Carrollton location will be open Monday & Tuesday, closed on Wednesday & Thursday, and open on Friday from 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM for pharmacy pick-ups only. We will resume normal hours in April once our provider has returned from leave.

It never fails. Two days into holiday break and suddenly everyone is bored. Quick! Before the kids turn into couch potatoes glued to their video games, it’s time to come up with a game plan of your own. Here are our top 8 tips for keeping the kids active during holiday break:

1.Make a holiday bucket list now

Sit down with the kids now and ask them what they’d like to do. Create a list of items that can be checked off. This can even be part of the fun – finding out how many things you can accomplish during your time off. 

2. Take a day trip together

With weekends always jammed full, this break from school gives all of you time together that may not be possible otherwise. Consider taking a day trip to the mountains, the beach, or your favorite nature destination. Pack a healthy picnic lunch, your walking shoes and just explore.

3. Christmas light scavenger hunt

Go for a walk around your neighborhood or another festive area and see what you can find! Christmas decorations take all forms these days! Animated figures, reindeer, minions and more can be spotted! Some other things might include blue lights, moving lights and so on. Take a walk together and cross items off your list or do an after-dark drive around the neighborhood in your pajamas just for fun!

4. Go ice skating!

If you want a little ice to go with your holiday celebration, why not try ice skating? It’s a great way to burn off some cookie calories and have fun. Sweetland on Ice in nearby LaGrange, GA offers affordable skating and shoe rental through February 17, 2019 – click here for details.

5. Hold a yard sale

Make room for new Christmas gifts by clearing out toys that your kids have outgrown. Have the kids gather items in good condition and research prices online. Tell them they can split the proceeds with you if they man the sale table. At the end of the day, donate any items that didn’t sell. This could be a good teachable moment for kids about the value of their belongings and helping others in need. 

6.Set up a play date

Chances are, you’re not the only ones experiencing the holiday break boredom. So why not invite some other kids over for a supervised play date? Create an obstacle course in the yard for kids to expend some energy. Or, break out the board games (like Scrabble and Monopoly), pop some popcorn and let the fun begin! Board games are a good way for kids to learn about fair play and rules. Maybe the parents want to start their own friendly competition by playing cards or another board game in the next room? Or you could rotate chaperone duties and allow some lucky parent to have a date night!

7. Encourage kids to write thank-you notes.

Giving thanks and showing respect are important lesson for kids that builds character. They won’t understand gratitude right away. For it to sink in, adults may need to have some patience and show them. Discuss with your kids that a loved one spent time selecting their present, purchased it with their money and made sure it was delivered on time. Educate them as to why a note is important and how it lets the gift-giver know their present was received and appreciated. A young child who can’t write yet may want to draw a picture that you can include with a quick note that says, “So-and-so created this for you in appreciation of his gift.” Slightly older children may need you to create a fill-in-the-blank format to help get them started but older kids should be able to write on their own. 

8. Volunteer.

Another way to teach gratitude is to volunteer on holiday break. Serving those in need can be an amazing experience for kids. It puts everything in perspective during a season when materialism can get out of control. It also may allow you to have some meaningful conversations about life before and after your experience together. There are so many ways to help the community too – from feeding families to reading to seniors!

On behalf of our entire staff at YourTown Health, we wish you and your family a safe, healthy and happy holidays! We can’t wait to serve you in 2020.